Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cute little Cowboy!!

Baby P just turned one a couple weeks ago and he is the cutest cowboy around! His session was so much fun with his big personality and his Momma and Dad!!

Here they are again!

Here are my cousins again, I babysat them last week for a couple hours and I of course had to get a quick photo shoot in!

and this is who I got her motivated to take photos, 
you gotta make it fun for them!!


I had such a good time with all these cousins. They get pictures made every 6 years, and the 6 oldest are all a year older then each other so their 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19.. or I think that how it went! But anyways they were all such good sports and made it really easy!! 

 Here they are youngest to oldest..

Monday, November 1, 2010

Soccer Princess..

These are my three wonderful cousins. I take their photos a lot. But I don't think they mind too much.  

 This is Natalie our soccer princess

 And Miss Emma who is the oldest any maybe even the sweetest!

 Natalie and one of her teammates hiding from the HOT october sun..

And here's Emma again, can i just say she is half my age
and her legs are almost at long as mine.. it's just not fair!

 and then there's Brooks, how I love this boy!
He's in the 1st grade and he was the guy from
man vs. wild for halloween!